Club Ladder

Sevenoaks LTC club ladder is run by Sportconnexions available on their app or web browser.

Whether you are a beginner or a competitive player, Clubladder is a fun and fast way to meet new tennis players of your level at the club. Sign up for this season (free to members) via the below link.

sign up

This is a mixed singles ladder for everyone. Playing Clubladder is easy.
1)  select your play level
2) choose when you like to play
3) choose how often you like to play

At the start of each round you will receive an email with contact information about your opponent and how to plan your match. Your initial position is based on your play level. After the first round, only match results count.

Play Level

When signing up, the Clubladder application offers six levels and we suggest the following guidelines:

TopClub upper team player
GoodOther team or potential Club team player
Above AveragePlays regularly 1-2 times per week, confident in matchplay
AveragePlays regularly 1-2 times per week
ImproverReturning to tennis but has previous experience
BeginnerBrand new to the game

Game rules

The default format is that you play for the usual court booking period and count the games.  However, if you and your opponent prefer, you can play a 3-set match or a shorter format with a 3rd set Championship tiebreak.  You switch positions if you win against someone that is ranked higher. You drop 1 spot if you cancel a match or if you skip 2 rounds in a row. You are removed from the league if you cancel your matches 2 rounds in a row and you do not respond to email. You can always register again.

Game Rules

A new round is started every 2 weeks. At the beginning of the round the players receive an email with information about their next match. The higher ranked player suggests a day and time to play the match. The winner registers the results of the match. Results are processed at the end of the round. You can skip rounds (eg when going on holiday) by adjusting your settings.  If you are too busy or injured, you can simply skip a round.