Club Procedures


Membership of the Club is available within a number of different categories and is dependent on one or more of the following factors:

  • playing ability
  • desired playing times
  • age/education status

The description of each level of membership is specified on the reverse of the Membership Application Form, or can be found on the website. The approved coaches will be available to advise a new member of the appropriate level of membership. If a member disputes the opinion of the coach, the Committee will be asked for an opinion, and communicate this to the member. This is designed to allow members to go to the club at certain times, mix in and play with other members of similar ability, without needing to make any prior arrangements.

Other conditions and playing rights for each category are listed below.

Membership categoryPlaying timesNotes
FullAllowed to play at any time. 
StandardMay play at any time except for weekend club sessions, match practices and weekend team matches. 
MidweekMay play between 9am and 6pm on weekdays only. 
BeginnerMay play at any time except during club sessions and match practices. May not play in club matches.Status as a “beginner” will be reviewed by the Committee annually
StudentAllowed to play at any time, including in club matches. Participation at club sessions will be subject to the Committee’s assessment of playing ability.Must be aged under 24 on 1 April and be in full-time education
JuniorAllowed to play at any time, including in club matches. Participation at club sessions will be subject to the Committee’s assessment of playing ability.Must be aged under 18 on 1 April and be in full-time education
HonoraryAllowed to play at any time, including in club matches. Participation at club sessions will be subject to the Committee’s assessment of playing ability.Honorary members are appointed by the Committee, normally for life.
CoachAs relevant to the subscription category paid. 


Non-playingMay not play at any time. 
  • At least one parent of a Junior Member is also required to join the Club, as either a Playing or Non-playing Member.
  • By invitation of the Committee, a Junior Member of sufficient playing ability may play as a Full Member.
  • Prospective Club Members may play at the Club for up to three occasions before applying for membership.

Subscription Discounts and PROCEDURES FOR EXPULSION

Club Season

The Club Season commences on 1st April, at which date subscriptions are due for payment.

Early Payment

Subscriptions, for existing playing members only, are subject to a 10% discount if payment is received by the Hon. Treasurer by 14th April.

Family Discount

A subscription discount is available to each member of a family residing at the same address, providing this includes at least two adult playing members.

Should an additional adult join the Club, such that he/she and other existing Club members of the family become eligible for this discount, it shall apply at the next annual renewal date. 

Reduced Annual Subscription

A reduced annual subscription is available to those joining the Club at a later date than 1 July as follows:

later than

– 1 July                   = 75% of annual subscription

– 1 October            = 50% of annual subscription

– 1 January            = 25% of annual subscription

– 1 March              = annual subscription for coming season.

Joining Fees

The reductions above do not apply to joining fees. The joining fee of £40 is added to the proportion of the annual fee, and is not shown separately on the application form. The joining fee applies to all new members apart from students and juniors.

All the above reductions due for each category of membership are specified on the Membership Application Form and calculated automatically when using the online membership application.

Reimbursement of Subscriptions

When, in accordance with Club Rules, a reimbursement of subscription can be made, the proportion repayable is calculated pro-rata for the period of the financial year remaining.


  1. The Club, all members and visitors accept and shall be bound by the Rules and the Disciplinary Code (“the LTA Rules”) of the Lawn Tennis Association Ltd (“the LTA”) and the General Rules and Constitution (“the County Rules”) of the Kent County Lawn Tennis Association (“the County”) in force from time to time including amendments made hereafter insofar as the same are relevant to the activities of the Club.
  2. All members shall accept and all persons mentioned in (1) above will so far as reasonably practicable that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall apply to the agreement between themselves and the Club and the LTA and the County may enforce any breach thereof but only insofar as it relates to a breach of the LTA Rules or the County Rules.



Periods of Club Play

Periods of Club Play, as defined in Club Rules, are as follows:                                   

Tuesday9.00 am – 11.00 am
Thursday6.30 pm – 9.30 pm
Saturday2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Sunday10.00 am – 12.00 pm

The number of courts allocated for club play will be varied to suit the varying needs of the members. Club Play on Saturdays and Sundays is only open to Full Members and to those juniors considered by the Committee to be of suitable standard (“Invited Juniors”).  Club Play on Tuesdays is open to all members, and on Thursdays is open to all Full Members, Standard Members and Invited Juniors.

Match Practices                

Attendance at match practices is by invitation of the Men’s or Ladies’ Captain and will have precedence on the courts booked for that purpose:

                Team                                     Day                                       Times

Ladies’                                   Wednesday                           6.30 pm – 8.00 pm

Men’s                                    Wednesday                           8.00 pm – 9.30 pm

Court Booking

  1. Adult members are allowed to book 4 slots of 1 hour a week (Monday – Sunday).
  2. All bookings are to be made on the hour for an hour.
  3. Advance bookings may be made 8 days ahead.
  4. A booking is deemed void if no player arrives within 10 minutes of the booking time.

Junior Play

  1. Junior members are allowed to book 4 slots of 1 hour a week.
  2. All bookings are to be made on the hour for an hour.
  3. Advance bookings may be made 8 days ahead.
  4. A booking is deemed void if no player arrives within 10 minutes of the booking time.


The club operates with a number of self-employed coaches, all of whom must be approved by the Committee.

The requirements of the club for the coaches to use the facilities are as follows:

1). Junior coaching is run for the club by Sevenoaks Tennis Centre, and all coaches working within that programme must be authorised primarily by the management of Sevenoaks Tennis Centre and by the Club committee.

2). It is necessary for all coaches who wish to give lessons to pay for a membership of the club in the appropriate category for their usage of the club facilities, in exactly the same way as other members. i.e. if a coach wishes to use courts or coach during Mon – Fri 09.00–18.00 they must be a midweek member. To coach at other times, they must be a standard member and to play in teams, or attend team practice, they must be full members.

3). The club provides a “free introductory lesson” to all new adult members. This is an opportunity for new members to learn about playing and coaching opportunities at the club, and frequently results in the coach being asked for further lessons. The club will then pay the coach who carries out this introductory one hour lesson a fee as agreed by the club committee.

4). Since the coaches are self employed, any individual lessons conducted by coaches can be charged at a rate determined by the coaches. These rates must be advised to the Committee.

5). When an introductory lesson has been completed, the coach must email the Administrator in order that the member’s form is annotated. This may be done individually, or when a few have been done. The list of names is then forwarded to the treasurer for payment.

6). All players who have coaching at the club in group lessons are required to join the club after their third visit.  A record of all players attending groups or individual lessons must be provided when requested by the Committee. It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure that these two things are done.

7). Failure to comply with the two requirements in paragraph 6 may prejudice a coach’s permission to coach at the club. If at any time a coach has difficulty with someone who fails to join, they should seek help from the Committee, who will explain this requirement to the player if necessary.

8). Coaches are requested to provide a photograph, in order that a poster for the club house can be produced enabling identification of all the coaches approved by the Committee. This will also include contact details and any qualifications or experience details provided by the coaches.

9). Group coaching which requires more than one court will take place only at times agreed by the Committee.

10). All group coaching must meet LTA guidelines of player/coach ratios.

11). Responsibility for the provision and organisation of all junior coaching will be delegated by the Committee to an organisation or individual, who may not necessarily be on the Committee. All requests for junior coaching will be directed to that person who will decide on the suitability of the coaching and offer the opportunity to conduct the coaching to one of the coaches permitted by the Committee to work at the club. A quarterly report on the junior coaching and resulting junior activities will be provided to the Committee, particularly including information of the School Links, which may be supported by the club.

12). If a member is not satisfied with the scope or quality of the coaching provided, they should contact the Committee.



The club does not provide transport to or from club activities such as matches. It is the responsibility of those taking part to arrange their own transport. It is the members’ responsibility, or that of the parent/guardian to ensure that all arrangements meet all legal requirements and ensure appropriate safety for any juniors being transported. By agreeing to the above, the parent or guardian of a child is presumed to have given permission for the transport they have arranged to be used.



The following is a summary of the Club’s full policies which are available to all members on request to the committee.


The Sevenoaks Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding, diversity and inclusion at the Club at all times. The intention of this Policy is to help the Club minimise risk, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone and ensure an appropriate response is given to all safeguarding, diversity and inclusion concerns and/or disclosures.

A child is defined as anyone under 18 years of age and an ‘adult at risk’ is anyone who has care and support needs which makes him/her vulnerable to abuse or neglect. A ‘safeguarding, diversity or inclusion concern’ can arise in relation to a wide range of issues including physical safety, harassment, bullying, mental or physical abuse and discrimination on the basis of any imagined difference or cultural prejudice.

This policy applies equally to committee members, coaches, volunteers and club members.

Breaches of this Policy may result in termination of current and future roles within the club and the removal of club membership.


The Club expects every member to promote and support the highest standards of welfare and safety for more vulnerable club members, principally the junior members as well as to positively encourage diversity and inclusion without any cultural prejudice. As part of this, every member must adhere to the following principles:

  • To prioritise the well-being of all children
  • To be a positive role model and act with integrity
  • To help to create a safe, diverse and inclusive environment both on and off court
  • To report all concerns and disclosures as soon as possible.
  • Ensure tennis is diverse and inclusive.
  • Diversity and inclusion are embedded in the club’s culture and the behaviour of every member in order that all members are valued and able to achieve their full potential.

These principles should be interpreted with appropriate integrity, transparency and common sense, with the primary consideration at all time being the best interests of children and adults at risk as well as every other member.

Parents/carers of junior members have particular responsibilities:

  1. Parents/carers must advise coaches working with junior members, at the beginning of each session, of any medical requirements or conditions which may be relevant to the activity being done by the junior member and of any special actions which may become necessary if this medical condition manifests itself.
  2. Parents/carers are expected to make sensible decisions about when it is appropriate for their child to be left on the Club premises unsupervised. The Club’s venue is quiet and comparatively remote from any ‘public’ scrutiny and sporting venues can attract unwelcome attention from those who are aware that there will be young people attending, wearing sports clothing.
  3. Parents/carers are expected to make sensible decisions about how junior members travel to and from the club to ensure their safety.


Members/parents/carers who do not wish to have photographs taken of themselves, or their children, must tell the person supervising the activity, on arrival at the club.

Photographs may be used for Club-related promotional purposes, such as displaying in the clubhouse, on the Club website and submissions to local newspapers.

Reporting concerns

Anyone who is told about, hears, or is made aware of a safeguarding, diversity or inclusion concern in relation to a junior or adult at risk, is responsible for reporting it in the appropriate way. If someone is in immediate danger, they should phone 999, if not, they should inform a member of the Committee or the Club’s Welfare Officer as soon as possible. Dependent on the concern/disclosure, a referral may be made by the club to:

  • Local Authority Children’s Services

03000 41 11 11 (daytime) or 03000 41 91 91 (out of hours) or email

  • Local Authority Adult Services

03000 41 61 61 (daytime) or 03000 41 91 91 (out of hours) or email

  • Any other appropriate public authority

For example NSPCC 0808 800 5000

Welfare Officer

The role of the Club’s Welfare Officer is to:

  1. Actively promote the safety and well-being of all children, young people and adults at risk, among members and committee members;
  2. Ensure that all members are aware of their duty of care towards children, young people and adults at risk;
  3. Respond to any concerns or issues that arise for children, young people or adults at risk in a confidential and sensitive manner;
  4. Contact the LTA Safeguarding Team to discuss any concerns which have been raised which cannot otherwise be managed;
  5. Liaise with the appropriate authorities if any serious issues arise.

The Club’s current Welfare Officer is Helene Jackson who can be contacted at or via her mobile number 07710 677675.

Confidence will be maintained in relation to any safeguarding report or disclosure unless that would be inappropriate, taking into account all the circumstances.

Coaches working at the club

All coaches have a responsibility to maintain the highest standards of safety for themselves and others, particularly children, while working at the club. By agreeing to work at the club they accept this responsibility and will advise the Committee of any safeguarding issue which may arise, having immediately taken appropriate steps to address the situation themselves.

The Committee reserves the right to make any background checks it deems appropriate prior to anyone being allowed to conduct any work or coaching at the club. Permission may be denied without any reason being given to the person wishing to work at the club.



Fire risk is minimal due to no gas supply, no smoking and no naked flames in the club house, however, the greatest risk is that of an electrical fire, so a CO2 fire extinguisher and fire blanket (for use on the stove top) are provided and serviced by contract with Fire Action Ltd on a yearly basis. Fire extinguishers are replaced in accordance with the service engineer’s recommendations. Emergency lighting is fitted in the club house, in accordance with the requirements of the fire officer.

Appropriate external lighting is provided to ensure safety on the stairs. Stairs are also fitted with high grip edges to minimise the risk of slipping. A barrier fence has been erected at the entrance to the club to reduce the risk of members or their guests falling down the slope.

Risk to individuals is minimised by maintenance of playing surfaces to the highest possible standards and ensuring that coaches are appropriately qualified to provide a safe environment. Coaches are required to apply their professional skills to be continually aware and email the Administrator ( and Secretary ( in order to raise any issues which they consider to present a risk to those at the club.

Members are advised then when the temperature falls below 3C, it is possible that some of the court surfaces or surrounding areas at the club may be slippery. It is the members’ responsibility to assess whether the conditions are safe for the activities they intend before entering the club, and to be aware that that they are responsible for the safety and welfare of their guests.

First aid equipment is available at the club.

Risk assessment is an ongoing responsibility of every member, and it is expected that if any member perceives a risk to be present they will inform the Administrator and Secretary as soon as possible, in order that it can be discussed and addressed as deemed necessary by the Committee.  Equally, if an accident or incident involving injury takes place at the club, a member involved should email with the details.



This policy states how and why members’ personal data is collected and processed by the Club.

How members’ data is collected

The Club may collect members’ personal data in a number of ways, including:

  • Directly from members when they submit a membership application form or interact with the Club, e.g. make an email enquiry.
  • From someone else applying for membership on a person’s behalf, e.g. a family member.
  • From the LTA, e.g. when the LTA passes a member’s details to the Club in connection with a query or complaint.

What data is collected and why

The Club may collect the following types of personal data about members:

  • Contact information, e.g. name, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers.
  • Records of communications and interactions with the Club.
  • Other information volunteered by members when joining, e.g. student status or date of birth.
  • For coaches, a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate, or equivalent.

This data is used for the following purposes:

  • Operation of the Club, including:
    • Corresponding with members about Club activities, e.g. tournaments and court maintenance.
    • Providing access to other members’ contact details through the secure Membership List on the Club website.
    • Sharing with the LTA, County and other tennis clubs, e.g. the Wimbledon ballot, tournaments and leagues.
  • The email address and telephone numbers of team captains and other volunteers are displayed on the Club website to allow other clubs to contact them.
  • Club auditing and record-keeping purposes.

The Club may process members’ personal data for the above purposes because:

  • It is necessary for the Club to fulfil its contract with members, or allow such a contract to be entered.
  • It is needed for the Club to comply with its legal obligations.

Who can access members’ data

Members’ addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and membership category are accessible to other members via the club website. Other information is only accessible to certain Committee members and Club volunteers, with a legitimate Club purpose.

How long members’ data is kept

Members’ personal data is kept only for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this policy. For most data, this is:

  • As long as the member has a valid Club membership.
  • For a minimum of three years after a Club membership has expired, as their joining fee is waived if they re-join within this period.

When members’ personal data is shared and with whom

The Club does not share members’ personal data with third parties, other than the following:

  • The LTA, County and other tennis clubs, if deemed necessary.
  • To comply with its legal obligations.

Members’ marketing preferences

The Club only sends communications to members in relation information that is considered relevant to the Club.

Members’ rights

Under certain circumstances, a member has the right to:

  • Request a copy of their data.
  • Request that their data be corrected or updated.
  • Request that their data be deleted. Note that this will cause membership to be terminated.
  • Object to their data being processed for the purposes described in this policy. Note that th8is will cause membership to be terminated.

If members are dissatisfied with how the Club collects and/or processes their personal data, they can make a complaint to the Club administrator and/or Information Commissioner.


CCTV Cameras


At Sevenoaks Tennis Club (“the club”), we are committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of our members, visitors, and staff. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and protect personal data captured by closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras on our premises. We strictly adhere to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws.

Data Controller and Contact Information

The data controller (details provided at the end of this policy) is responsible for the processing of personal data collected through CCTV cameras at the club. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, please contact us using the provided contact information.

Purposes of CCTV Surveillance

The primary purpose of CCTV surveillance at the club is to ensure the safety and security of our members, visitors, staff, and property. The cameras are strategically placed to monitor the club premises, including the courts, clubhouse (excluding changing rooms/toilets) and the car park, and deter unauthorised access, criminal activity, and ensure compliance with club rules and regulations.

Legal Basis for Data Processing

The processing of personal data through CCTV cameras is based on the legitimate interests pursued by the club to maintain a safe and secure environment for our members and visitors. The processing is proportionate and necessary for achieving these objectives.

We may also process personal data captured by CCTV cameras to comply with legal requirements, where applicable.

Categories of Personal Data Collected

The CCTV cameras may capture and process the following categories of personal data:

  1. a) Visual Images: CCTV cameras record visual images (without audio) of individuals on club premises for the stated purposes.
  2. b) Timestamps: The cameras capture the date and time of recorded events.

Storage and Retention of Personal Data

Personal data obtained through CCTV cameras is not stored longer than 30 days from the date of capture. After this period, the data is automatically deleted or overwritten, unless it is required for legal proceedings or ongoing investigations.

Access to CCTV Footage

Access to CCTV footage is limited to a small number of named committee members, specifically designated by the club. These individuals are only permitted to access the footage when necessary for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, and for system availability and maintenance checks.

Disclosure of CCTV Data

In general, we do not disclose CCTV data to third parties unless required by law, legal proceedings, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of the club, its members, or the public.

Your Rights as a Data Subject

As a data subject whose personal data is captured by our CCTV cameras, you have a right to access your personal data held by the club through CCTV cameras.

To exercise this right, please contact us using the provided contact information and a response can be expected within 28 days.

Security Measures

We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data collected through CCTV cameras from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Access to the CCTV system is encrypted, secured and limited to authorised personnel only.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for legal or regulatory reasons. Any changes will be posted on the club’s website, and we encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically.


Data controller

For the purposes of General Data Protection Regulation and UK data protection laws, the Data Controller is Sevenoaks Tennis Club (the Club), an unincorporated members club of Lower Rayleys Field, Plymouth Drive, Sevenoaks, TN13 3RP.


If members have queries about this Data Protection Policy; how their personal data is collected or processed; or wish to exercise their rights, they should contact the Club administrator:

More information about members’ rights under applicable data protection laws can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.


If you believe that your personal data privacy rights have been violated or have concerns about our data protection practices, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 24/09/2023